string(212) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_issn='00028282' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 125 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: << | 101-125 | 126-150 | 151-175 | 176-200 | >>    

Articles table of contents

Results : 126-150/209

Authors: Pettengill, Robert B.
Citation: B. Pettengill, Robert, The United States foreign trade in copper: 1790-1932, American economic review , 25(2), 1935, pp. 426-441

Authors: Pettengill, Robert B.
Citation: B. Pettengill, Robert, The United States foreign trade in copper: 1790-1932, American economic review , 25(3), 1935, pp. 426-441

Authors: Graham, Frank D.
Citation: D. Graham, Frank, Partial reserve money and the 100 per cent proposal, American economic review , 26(3), 1936, pp. 428-440

Authors: Daugherty, Carrol R.
Citation: R. Daugherty, Carrol, Horsepower equipment in the united states, 1869-1929, American economic review , 23(3), 1933, pp. 428-440

Authors: Smith, Lawrence
Citation: Smith, Lawrence, The suspension of the gold standard in raw material exporting countries, American economic review , 24(3), 1934, pp. 430-449

Authors: Silberling, Norman J.
Citation: J. Silberling, Norman, Some aspects of durable consumer goods financing and investment fluctuations, American economic review , 28(3), 1938, pp. 439-446

Authors: Johson, E., A., J.
Citation: J. Johson, E., A.,, Gerard De Malynes and the theory of the foreign exchanges, American economic review , 23(3), 1933, pp. 441-455

Authors: Lewis, Edward E.
Citation: E. Lewis, Edward, Some pre-depression land tenure changes in the South and their current significance, American economic review , 26(3), 1936, pp. 441-450

Authors: Miller, A. C.
Citation: C. Miller, A., Responsability for federal reserve policies: 1927-1929, American economic review , 25(3), 1935, pp. 442-458

Authors: Machlup, Fritz
Citation: Machlup, Fritz, Monopoly and competition: a classification of market positions, American economic review , 27(3), 1937, pp. 445-451

Authors: Blakey, Roy G. Blakey, Gladys C.
Citation: G. Blakey, Roy et C. Blakey, Gladys, The Revenue Act of 1938, American economic review , 28(3), 1938, pp. 447-458

Authors: Blakey, Roy G. Blakey, Gladys C.
Citation: G. Blakey, Roy et C. Blakey, Gladys, The revenue act of 1934, American economic review , 24(3), 1934, pp. 450-461

Authors: Carver, T. N.
Citation: N. Carver, T., The theory of the shortened working week, American economic review , 26(3), 1936, pp. 451-462

Authors: Kiehel, Constance A.
Citation: A. Kiehel, Constance, Security of job tenure and trade-union out-of-work benefits, 1926-1929 and 1930-1933, American economic review , 27(3), 1937, pp. 452-467

Authors: Eiteman, Wulford J.
Citation: J. Eiteman, Wulford, The regulation of brokers' loans, American economic review , 23(3), 1933, pp. 456-465

Authors: Reynolds, Lloyd G.
Citation: G. Reynolds, Lloyd, Competition in the rubber-tire industry, American economic review , 28(3), 1938, pp. 459-468

Authors: Machlup, Fritz
Citation: Machlup, Fritz, The rate of interest as cost factor and as capitalization factor, American economic review , 25(3), 1935, pp. 459-465

Authors: Bauder, Russel S.
Citation: S. Bauder, Russel, National collective bargaining in the foundry industry, American economic review , 24(3), 1934, pp. 462-476

Authors: Buder, Russell
Citation: Buder, Russell, The probable incidence of social security taxes, American economic review , 26(3), 1936, pp. 463-465

Authors: Wehrwein, Carl F.
Citation: F. Wehrwein, Carl, How the Wisonsin property tax collections are spent, American economic review , 25(3), 1935, pp. 466-470

Authors: Whittlesey, Charles R.
Citation: R. Whittlesey, Charles, Foreign investment and national gain, American economic review , 23(3), 1933, pp. 466-470

Authors: Blakey, Roy G. Blakey, Gladys C.
Citation: G. Blakey, Roy et C. Blakey, Gladys, The Revenue Act of 1936, American economic review , 26(3), 1936, pp. 466-482

Authors: Abramson, Adolph
Citation: Abramson, Adolph, Cost of production and normal supply price, American economic review , 27(3), 1937, pp. 468-478

Authors: Lachmann, L. M.
Citation: M. Lachmann, L., Investment and costs of production, American economic review , 28(3), 1938, pp. 469-481

Citation: , The hungarian thrift-crown, American economic review , 23(3), 1933, pp. 471-474
Results: << | 101-125 | 126-150 | 151-175 | 176-200 | >>