Integrated processing tools are becoming increasingly prevalent in mod
ern fabs. Integrated tools consist of several process modules connecte
d around a central handler such that the modules can process several w
afers from the same lot simultaneously. Lithography cells and vacuum c
luster tools are examples of integrated processors. Simple, intuitive
models of the cycle time, throughput, and wafer cost of integrated too
ls are introduced. The models use two measurable parameters that aggre
gate tool operations: the incremental cycle time is the average increa
se in cycle time resulting from a lot size increment of one wafer and
the fixed cycle time is the portion of cycle time that is independent
of lot size. One example shows how an empirical analysis of a commerci
al CVD cluster tool was used with the models to identify opportunities
to increase tool throughput. In a second example, analytical models o
f the incremental and fixed cycle times are used to provide insight in
to the effects of tool configuration on performance, Finally, simulati
ons of single integrated tools are used to show some limitations of th
e model.