An advanced multivariable in-line process control system, which combin
es traditional statistical process control (SPC) with feedback control
, has been applied to the CVD tungsten process on an Applied Materials
reactor. The goal of the model-based controller is to compensate for
shifts in the process and maintain the wafer-state responses on target
, The controller employs measurements made on test wafers to track the
process behavior, This is accomplished by using model based SPC, whic
h compares the measurements with predictions obtained from process mod
els. The process models relate the equipment settings to the wafer-sta
te responses of interest. For CVD tungsten, a physically-based modelin
g approach was employed based on the reaction rate for the H-2 reducti
on of WF6. The Arrhenius relationship for the kinetic model was linear
ized so that empirical modeling techniques could be applied. Statistic
ally valid models were derived for deposition fate, film stress, and b
ulk resistivity using stepwise least-squares regression, On detecting
a statistically significant shift in the process, the controller calcu
lates adjustments to the settings to bring the process responses back
on target. To achieve this, two additional test wafers are processed a
t slightly different settings than the current recipe. This local expe
riment allows the models to be updated to reflect the current process
state. The model updates are expressed as multiplicative or additive c
hanges in the process inputs and a change in the model constant. This
approach for adaptive control also provides a diagnostic capability re
garding the cause of the process shift, The adapted models are used by
an optimizer to compute new settings to bring the responses back to t
arget. The optimizer is capable of incrementally entering controllable
s into the strategy, reflecting the degree to which the engineer desir
es to manipulate each setting, The capability of the controller to com
pensate for induced shifts in the CVD tungsten process Is demonstrated
, Targets for film bulk resistivity and deposition rate were maintaine
d while satisfying constraints on film stress and WF6 conversion effic
iency, The ability of the controller to update process models during r
outine operation is also investigated, The tuned process models better
predict the process behavior over time compared to the untuned models
and lead to improved process capability.