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Results: 21

Authors: Riberon, A Miaud, C Grossenbacher, K Taberlet, P
Citation: A. Riberon et al., Phylogeography of the Alpine salamander, Salamandra atra (Salamandridae) and the influence of the Pleistocene climatic oscillations on population divergence, MOL ECOL, 10(10), 2001, pp. 2555-2560

Authors: Goossens, B Chikhi, L Taberlet, P Waits, LP Allaine, D
Citation: B. Goossens et al., Microsatellite analysis of genetic variation among and within Alpine marmot populations in the French Alps, MOL ECOL, 10(1), 2001, pp. 41-52

Authors: Waits, LP Luikart, G Taberlet, P
Citation: Lp. Waits et al., Estimating the probability of identity among genotypes in natural populations: cautions and guidelines, MOL ECOL, 10(1), 2001, pp. 249-256

Authors: Loreille, O Orlando, L Patou-Mathis, M Philippe, M Taberlet, P Hanni, C
Citation: O. Loreille et al., Ancient DNA analysis reveals divergence of the cave bear, Ursus spelaeus, and brown bear, Ursus arctos, lineages, CURR BIOL, 11(3), 2001, pp. 200-203

Authors: Luikart, G Gielly, L Excoffier, L Vigne, JD Bouvet, J Taberlet, P
Citation: G. Luikart et al., Multiple maternal origins and weak phylogeographic structure in domestic goats, P NAS US, 98(10), 2001, pp. 5927-5932

Authors: Maudet, C Taberlet, P
Citation: C. Maudet et P. Taberlet, Detection of cows' milk in goats' cheeses inferred from mitochondrial DNA polymorphism, J DAIRY RES, 68(2), 2001, pp. 229-235

Authors: Pornon, A Escaravage, N Thomas, P Taberlet, P
Citation: A. Pornon et al., Dynamics of genotypic structure in clonal Rhododendron ferrugineum (Ericaceae) populations, MOL ECOL, 9(8), 2000, pp. 1099-1111

Authors: Waits, L Taberlet, P Swenson, JE Sandegren, F Franzen, R
Citation: L. Waits et al., Nuclear DNA microsatellite analysis of genetic diversity and gene flow in the Scandinavian brown bear (Ursus arctos), MOL ECOL, 9(4), 2000, pp. 421-431

Authors: Valiere, N Taberlet, P
Citation: N. Valiere et P. Taberlet, Urine collected in the field as a source of DNA for species and individualidentification, MOL ECOL, 9(12), 2000, pp. 2150-2152

Authors: Gaudeul, M Taberlet, P Till-Bottraud, I
Citation: M. Gaudeul et al., Genetic diversity in an endangered alpine plant, Eryngium alpinum L.. (Apiaceae), inferred from amplified fragment length polymorphism markers, MOL ECOL, 9(10), 2000, pp. 1625-1637

Authors: Questiau, S Escaravage, N Eybert, MC Taberlet, P
Citation: S. Questiau et al., Nestling sex ratios in a population of Bluethroats Luscinia svecica inferred from AFLP (TM) analysis, J AVIAN BIO, 31(1), 2000, pp. 8-14

Authors: Steen, SW Gielly, L Taberlet, P Brochmann, C
Citation: Sw. Steen et al., Same parental species, but different taxa: molecular evidence for hybrid origins of the rare endemics Saxifraga opdalensis and S-svalbardensis (Saxifragaceae), BOTAN J LIN, 132(2), 2000, pp. 153-164

Authors: Manceau, V Despres, L Bouvet, J Taberlet, P
Citation: V. Manceau et al., Systematics of the genus Capra inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequence data, MOL PHYL EV, 13(3), 1999, pp. 504-510

Authors: Fumagalli, L Taberlet, P Stewart, DT Gielly, L Hausser, J Vogel, P
Citation: L. Fumagalli et al., Molecular phylogeny and evolution of Sorex shrews (Soricidae : Insectivora) inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequence data, MOL PHYL EV, 11(2), 1999, pp. 222-235

Authors: Fumagalli, L Moritz, C Taberlet, P Friend, JA
Citation: L. Fumagalli et al., Mitochondrial DNA sequence variation within the remnant populations of theendangered numbat (Marsupialia : Myrmecobiidae : Myrmecobius fasciatus), MOL ECOL, 8(9), 1999, pp. 1545-1549

Authors: Questiau, S Eybert, MC Taberlet, P
Citation: S. Questiau et al., Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers reveal extra-pair parentage in a bird species: the bluethroat (Luscinia svecica), MOL ECOL, 8(8), 1999, pp. 1331-1339

Authors: Dumolin-Lapegue, S Pemonge, MH Gielly, L Taberlet, P Petit, RJ
Citation: S. Dumolin-lapegue et al., Amplification of oak DNA from ancient and modern wood, MOL ECOL, 8(12), 1999, pp. 2137-2140

Authors: Luikart, G Biju-Duval, MP Ertugrul, O Zagdsuren, Y Maudet, C Taberlet, P
Citation: G. Luikart et al., Power of 22 microsatellite markers in fluorescent multiplexes for parentage testing in goats (Capra hircus), ANIM GENET, 30(6), 1999, pp. 431-438

Authors: Taberlet, P Waits, LP Luikart, G
Citation: P. Taberlet et al., Noninvasive genetic sampling: look before you leap, TREND ECOL, 14(8), 1999, pp. 323-327

Authors: Taberlet, P Luikart, G
Citation: P. Taberlet et G. Luikart, Non-invasive genetic sampling and individual identification, BIOL J LINN, 68(1-2), 1999, pp. 41-55

Authors: Questiau, S Gielly, L Clouet, M Taberlet, P
Citation: S. Questiau et al., Phylogeographical evidence of gene flow among Common Crossbill (Loxia curvirostra, Aves, Fringillidae) populations at the continental level, HEREDITY, 83, 1999, pp. 196-205
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