string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='2007' AND fasc_issn='09631798' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-11    

Articles table of contents

Results : 11

Authors: John Arnold
Citation: John Arnold, Further developments in the Journal of Occupational and Organizational psychology, Journal of occupational and organizational psychology , 80(4), 2007, pp. 555-558

Authors: Joseph G. Grzywacz Dawn S. Carlson K.Michele Kacmar Julie Holliday Wayne
Citation: Joseph G. Grzywacz et al., A multi-level perspective on the synergies between work and family, Journal of occupational and organizational psychology , 80(4), 2007, pp. 559-574

Authors: Alain De Beuckelaer Filip Lievens Gilbert Swinnen
Citation: Alain De Beuckelaer et al., Measurement equivalence in the conduct of a global organizational survey across countries in six cultural regions, Journal of occupational and organizational psychology , 80(4), 2007, pp. 575-600

Authors: Deanne N. Deng Hartog Frank D. Belschak
Citation: Deanne N. Deng Hartog et Frank D. Belschak, Personal initiative, commitment and affect at work, Journal of occupational and organizational psychology , 80(4), 2007, pp. 601-622

Authors: Sandra Ohly Charlotte Fritz
Citation: Sandra Ohly et Charlotte Fritz, Challenging the status quo: What motivates proactive behavior?, Journal of occupational and organizational psychology , 80(4), 2007, pp. 623-629

Authors: Eden B. King Kelly de Chermont Michael West Jeremy F. Dawson Michelle R. Hebl
Citation: Eden B. King et al., How innovation can alleviate negative consequences of demanding work contexts: the influence of climate for innovation on organizational outcomes, Journal of occupational and organizational psychology , 80(4), 2007, pp. 631-645

Authors: H. van Mierlo C.G. Rutte",J.K.Vermunt,"M.A.J. Kompier",J.A.C.M.Doorewaard
Citation: H. Van Mierlo et C.g. Rutte",j.k.vermunt,"m.a.j. Kompier",j.a.c.m.doorewaard, A multi-level mediation model of the relationships between team autonomy, individual task design and psychological well-being, Journal of occupational and organizational psychology , 80(4), 2007, pp. 647-664

Authors: Adam M. Grant Elizabeth M. Campbell
Citation: Adam M. Grant et Elizabeth M. Campbell, Doing good, doing harm, being well and burning out: the interactions of perceived prosocial and antisocial impact in service work, Journal of occupational and organizational psychology , 80(4), 2007, pp. 665-691

Authors: Jurgen Wegge Joachim Vogt Christiane Wecking
Citation: Jurgen Wegge et al., Customer-induced stress in call centre work: a comparison of audio and videoconference, Journal of occupational and organizational psychology , 80(4), 2007, pp. 693-712

Authors: Kristin Byron
Citation: Kristin Byron, Male and female managers' ability to read emotions: relationship with supervisor's performance ratings and subordinates satisfaction ratings, Journal of occupational and organizational psychology , 80(4), 2007, pp. 713-733

Authors: Chun Hui Alfred Wong Dean Tjosvold
Citation: Chun Hui et al., Turnover intention and performance in China: the role of positive affectivity, chinese values, perceived organizational support and constructive controversy, Journal of occupational and organizational psychology , 80(4), 2007, pp. 735-751
Results: 1-11