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Results: 19

Authors: Lindstrom, G Ahmed, M Albergo, S Allport, P Anderson, D Andricek, L Angarano, MM Augelli, V Bacchetta, N Bartalini, P Bates, R Biggeri, U Bilei, GM Bisello, D Boemi, D Borchi, E Botila, T Brodbeck, TJ Bruzzi, M Budzynski, T Burger, P Campabadal, F Casse, G Catacchini, E Chilingarov, A Ciampolini, P Cindro, V Costa, MJ Creanza, D Clauws, P Da Via, C Davies, G De Boer, W Dell'Orso, R De Palma, M Dezillie, B Eremin, V Evrard, O Fallica, G Fanourakis, G Feick, H Focardi, E Fonseca, L Fretwurst, E Fuster, J Gabathuler, K Glaser, M Grabiec, P Grigoriev, E Hall, G Hanlon, M Hauler, F Heising, S Holmes-Siedle, A Horisberger, R Hughes, G Huhtinen, M Ilyashenko, I Ivanov, A Jones, BK Jungermann, L Kaminsky, A Kohout, Z Kramberger, G Kuhnke, M Kwan, S Lemeilleur, F Leroy, C Letheren, M Li, Z Ligonzo, T Linhart, V Litovchenko, P Loukas, D Lozano, M Luczynski, Z Lutz, G MacEvoy, B Manolopoulos, S Markou, A Martinez, C Messineo, A Mikuz, M Moll, M Nossarzewska, E Ottaviani, G Oshea, V Parrini, G Passeri, D Petre, D Pickford, A Pintilie, I Pintilie, L Pospisil, S Potenza, R Raine, C Rafi, JM Ratoff, PN Richter, RH Riedler, P Roe, S Roy, P Ruzin, A Ryazanov, AI Santocchia, A Schiavulli, L Sicho, P Siotis, I Sloan, T Slysz, W Smith, K Solanky, M Sopko, B Stolze, K Avset, BS Svensson, B Tivarus, C Tonelli, G Tricomi, A Tzamarias, S Valvo, G Vasilescu, A Vayaki, A Verbitskaya, E Verdini, P Vrba, V Watts, S Weber, ER Wegrzecki, M Wegrzecka, I Weilhammer, P Wheadon, R Wilburn, C Wilhelm, I Wunstorf, R Wustenfeld, J Wyss, J Zankel, K Zabierowski, P Zontar, D
Citation: G. Lindstrom et al., Radiation hard silicon detectors - developments by the RD48 (ROSE) collaboration, NUCL INST A, 466(2), 2001, pp. 308-326

Authors: Lindstrom, G Ahmed, M Albergo, S Allport, P Anderson, D Andricek, L Angarano, MM Augelli, V Bacchetta, N Bartalini, P Bates, R Biggeri, U Bilei, GM Bisello, D Boemi, D Borchi, E Botila, T Brodbeck, TJ Bruzzi, M Budzynski, T Burger, P Campabadal, F Casse, G Catacchini, E Chilingarov, A Ciampolini, P Cindro, V Costa, MJ Creanza, D Clauws, P Da Via, C Davies, G De Boer, W Dell'Orso, R De Palma, M Dezillie, B Eremin, V Evrard, O Fallica, G Fanourakis, G Feick, H Focardi, E Fonseca, L Fretwurst, E Fuster, J Gabathuler, K Glaser, M Grabiec, P Grigoriev, E Hall, G Hanlon, M Hauler, F Heising, S Holmes-Siedle, A Horisberger, R Hughes, G Huhtinen, M Ilyashenko, I Ivanov, A Jones, BK Jungermann, L Kaminsky, A Kohout, Z Kramberger, C Kuhnke, M Kwan, S Lemeilleur, F Leroy, C Letheren, M Li, Z Ligonzo, T Linhart, V Litovchenko, P Loukas, D Lozano, M Luczynski, Z Lutz, G MacEvoy, B Manolopoulos, S Markou, A Martinez, C Messineo, A Miku, M Moll, M Nossarzewska, E Ottaviani, G Oshea, V Parrini, G Passeri, D Petre, D Pickford, A Pintilie, I Pintilie, L Pospisil, S Potenza, R Radicci, V Raine, C Rafi, JM Ratoff, PN Richter, RH Riedler, P Roe, S Roy, P Ruzin, A Ryazanov, AI Santocchia, A Schiavulli, L Sicho, P Siotis, I Sloan, T Slysz, W Smith, K Solanky, M Sopko, B Stolze, K Avset, BS Svensson, B Tivarus, C Tonelli, G Tricomi, A Tzamarias, S Valvo, G Vasilescu, A Vayaki, A Verbitskaya, E Verdini, P Vrba, V Watts, S Weber, ER Wegrzecki, M Wegrzecka, I Weilhammer, P Wheadon, R Wilburn, C Wilhelm, I Wunstorf, R Wustenfeld, J Wyss, J Zankel, K Zabierowski, P Zontar, D
Citation: G. Lindstrom et al., Developments for radiation hard silicon detectors by defect engineering - results by the CERN RD48 (ROSE) Collaboration, NUCL INST A, 465(1), 2001, pp. 60-69

Authors: Borer, K Janos, S Li, Z Dezillie, B Da Via, C Granata, V Casagrande, L de Boer, RWI Lourenco, C Niinikoski, TO Palmieri, VG Chapuy, S Dimcovski, Z Grigoriev, E Bell, W Devine, SRH Ruggiero, G O'Shea, V Smith, K Berglund, P de Boer, W Hauler, F Heising, S Jungermann, L Abreu, M Rato, P Sousa, P Cindro, V Mikuz, M Zavrtanik, M Esposito, A Paul, S Buontempo, S D'Ambrosio, N Pagano, S Eremin, V Verbitskaya, E
Citation: K. Borer et al., Charge collection efficiency of an irradiated cryogenic double-p silicon detector, NUCL INST A, 462(3), 2001, pp. 474-483

Authors: Li, Z Dezillie, B Bruzzi, M Chen, W Eremin, V Verbitskaya, E Weilhammer, P
Citation: Z. Li et al., HTLT oxygenated silicon detectors: radiation hardness and long-term stability, NUCL INST A, 461(1-3), 2001, pp. 126-132

Authors: Casagrande, L Abreu, MC Bell, WH Berglund, P de Boer, W Borer, K Buontempo, S Chapuy, S Cindro, V D'Ambrosio, N Da Via, C Devine, S Dezillie, B Dimcovski, Z Eremin, V Esposito, A Granata, V Grigoriev, E Hauler, F Heijne, E Heising, S Janos, S Jungermann, L Konorov, I Li, Z Lourenco, C Mikuz, M Niinikoski, TO O'Shea, V Pagano, S Palmieri, VG Paul, S Pretzl, K Rato, P Ruggiero, G Smith, K Sonderegger, P Sousa, P Verbitskaya, E Watts, S Zavrtanik, M
Citation: L. Casagrande et al., Review on the development of cryogenic silicon detectors, NUCL INST A, 461(1-3), 2001, pp. 150-154

Authors: Granata, V da Via, C Watts, S Borer, K Janos, S Pretzl, K Dezillie, B Li, Z Casagrande, L Collins, P Grohmann, S Heijne, E Lourenco, C Niinikoski, TO Palmieri, VG Sonderegger, P Borchi, E Bruzzi, M Pirollo, S Chapuy, S Dimcovski, Z Grigoriev, E Bell, W Devine, SRH O'Shea, V Ruggiero, G Smith, K Berglund, P de Boer, W Hauler, F Heising, S Jungermann, L Abreu, M Mendes, PR Sousa, P Cindro, V Mikuz, M Zavrtanik, M Esposito, A Konorov, I Paul, S Buontempo, S D'Ambrosio, N Pagano, S Eremin, V Verbitskaya, E
Citation: V. Granata et al., Cryogenic technology for tracking detectors, NUCL INST A, 461(1-3), 2001, pp. 197-199

Authors: Granata, V Bell, WH Berglund, P De Boer, W Borchi, E Borer, K Bruzzi, M Buontempo, S Casagrande, L Cindro, V Chapuy, S D'Ambrosio, N Da Via, C Devine, S Dezillie, B Dimcovski, Z Eremin, V Esposito, A Gambardella, U Grigoriev, E Heijne, E Heising, S Janos, S Jungermann, L Konorov, I Li, Z Lourenco, C Mikuz, M Niinikoski, TO O'Shea, V Pagano, S Palmieri, VG Paul, S Pirollo, S Pretzl, K Ruggiero, G Sarnelli, E Smith, K Sonderegger, P Valtonen, M Verbitskaya, E Watts, S Zavrtanik, M
Citation: V. Granata et al., Irradiated silicon detectors operated at cryogenic temperatures: the Lazarus effect, PHIL MAG B, 80(4), 2000, pp. 811-815

Authors: Palmieri, VG Abreu, MC Bell, WH Berglund, P de Boer, W Borchi, E Borer, K Bruzzi, M Buontempo, S Casagrande, L Chapuy, S Cindro, V D'Ambrosio, N Da Via, C Devine, S Dezillie, B Dimcovski, Z Eremin, V Esposito, A Granata, V Grigoriev, E Hauler, F Heijne, E Heising, S Janos, S Jungermann, L Konorov, I Li, Z Lourenco, C Mikuz, M Niinikoski, TO O'Shea, V Pagano, S Paul, S Pirollo, S Pretzl, K Rato, P Ruggiero, G Smith, K Sonderegger, P Sousa, P Verbitskaya, E Watts, S Zavrtanik, M
Citation: Vg. Palmieri et al., Radiation hard position-sensitive cryogenic silicon detectors: the Lazaruseffect, PHYSICA B, 280(1-4), 2000, pp. 532-534

Authors: Dezillie, B Eremin, V Li, Z Verbitskaya, E
Citation: B. Dezillie et al., Polarization of silicon detectors by minimum ionizing particles, NUCL INST A, 452(3), 2000, pp. 440-453

Authors: Collins, P Barnett, IBM Bartalini, P Bell, W Berglund, P de Boer, W Buontempo, S Borer, K Bowcock, T Buytaert, J Casagrande, L Chabaud, V Chochula, P Cindro, V Da Via, C Devine, S Dijkstra, H Dezillie, B Dimcovski, Z Dormond, O Eremin, V Esposito, A Frei, R Granata, V Grigoriev, E Hauler, F Heising, S Janos, S Jungermann, L Li, Z Lourenco, C Mikuz, M Niinikoski, TO O'Shea, V Palmieri, VG Paul, S Parkes, C Ruggiero, G Ruf, T Saladino, S Schmitt, L Smith, K Stavitski, I Verbitskaya, E Vitobello, F Zavrtanik, M
Citation: P. Collins et al., Cryogenic operation of silicon detectors, NUCL INST A, 447(1-2), 2000, pp. 151-159

Authors: Borer, K Janos, S Palmieri, VG Dezillie, B Li, Z Collins, P Niinikoski, TO Lourenco, C Sonderegger, P Borchi, E Bruzzi, M Pirollo, S Granata, V Pagano, S Chapuy, S Dimcovski, Z Grigoriev, E Bell, W Devine, SRH O'Shea, V Smith, K Berglund, P de Boer, W Hauler, F Heising, S Jungermann, L Casagrande, L Cindro, V Mikuz, M Zavartanik, M da Via, C Esposito, A Konorov, I Paul, S Schmitt, L Buontempo, S D'Ambrosio, N Pagano, S Ruggiero, G Eremin, V Verbitskaya, E
Citation: K. Borer et al., Charge collection efficiency of irradiated silicon detector operated at cryogenic temperatures, NUCL INST A, 440(1), 2000, pp. 5-16

Authors: Dezillie, B Li, Z Eremin, V Chen, W Zhao, LJ
Citation: B. Dezillie et al., The effect of oxygen impurities on radiation hardness of FZ silicon detectors for HEP after neutron, proton and gamma irradiation, IEEE NUCL S, 47(6), 2000, pp. 1892-1897

Authors: Cho, HS Xie, XB Chien, CY Liang, GW Huang, W Dezillie, B Eremin, V Li, Z
Citation: Hs. Cho et al., Characterization of silicon pixel detectors with the n(+)/n/p(+) and double-sided multiguard ring structure before and after neutron irradiation, IEEE NUCL S, 47(3), 2000, pp. 772-776

Authors: Takahashi, J Bellwied, R Beuttenmueller, R Chen, W Dezillie, B Eremin, V Elliot, D Hoffmann, GW Huang, W Humanic, T Ilyashenko, I Kotov, IV Kuczewski, P Leonhardt, W Li, Z Lynn, D Pandey, SU Schambach, J Soja, R Sugarbaker, E Zhao, LJ Willson, RM
Citation: J. Takahashi et al., Radiation damage studies with STAR silicon drift detectors, IEEE NUCL S, 47(3), 2000, pp. 903-907

Authors: Chen, W Chien, CY Dezillie, B Eremin, V Li, Z Menichelli, D Xie, X
Citation: W. Chen et al., Electrical characterization of irradiated medium resistivity n(+)/n/p(+) pixel detectors, NUCL INST A, 426(1), 1999, pp. 47-50

Authors: Dezillie, B Eremin, V Li, Z
Citation: B. Dezillie et al., Defect analysis of silicon detectors made of different materials for radiation hardness, NUCL INST A, 426(1), 1999, pp. 114-119

Authors: Cannara, R Dezillie, B Dubbs, T Hancock, J Kroeger, W Li, Z Nissen, T Onodera, M Rowe, WA Sadrozinski, HFW Wan, QS Zhao, LJ
Citation: R. Cannara et al., Depletion voltage and charge collection for highly irradiated silicon microstrip detectors with various initial resistivities, IEEE NUCL S, 46(6), 1999, pp. 1964-1968

Authors: Borchi, E Bruzzi, M Dezillie, B Lazanu, S Li, Z Pirollo, S
Citation: E. Borchi et al., Hall effect analysis in irradiated silicon samples with different resistivities, IEEE NUCL S, 46(4), 1999, pp. 834-838

Authors: Dezillie, B Li, Z Eremin, V Bruzzi, M Pirollo, S Pandey, SU Li, CJ
Citation: B. Dezillie et al., Improved neutron radiation hardness for Si detectors: Application of low resistivity starting material and or manipulation of N-eff by selective filling of radiation-induced traps at low temperatures, IEEE NUCL S, 46(3), 1999, pp. 221-227
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