string(237) "select * FROM articoli_opac WHERE fonte <> 'ISI' AND fonte='ACNP' AND fasc_anno_pubbl='1976' AND fasc_issn='03637425' order by level desc, fasc_key desc, NULLIF(regexp_replace(pagina_ini, E'\\D', '', 'g'), '')::int asc offset 0 limit 25" ACNP - Italian Periodicals Catalogue
Results: 1-25 | 26-36    

Articles table of contents

Results : 1-25/36

Authors: Murray Jr., Edwin A.
Citation: A. Murray Jr., Edwin, The Social Response Process in Commercial Banks: An Empirical Investigation, Academy of Management review , 1(3), 1976, pp. 5-15

Authors: Lundberg, Craig C.
Citation: C. Lundberg, Craig, Hypothesis Creation in Organizational Behavior Research, Academy of Management review , 1(2), 1976, pp. 5-12

Authors: Boschken, Herman L.
Citation: L. Boschken, Herman, Organizational Logic for Concurrent Government in Metropolitan Areas, Academy of Management review , 1(1), 1976, pp. 5-13

Authors: Kinnunen, Raymond M.
Citation: M. Kinnunen, Raymond, Hypotheses Related to Strategy Formulation in Large Divisionalized Companies, Academy of Management review , 1(4), 1976, pp. 7-14

Authors: Strother, George
Citation: Strother, George, The Moral Codes of Executives: A Watergate-Inspired Look at Barnard's Theory of Executive Responsibility, Academy of Management review , 1(2), 1976, pp. 13-22

Authors: Oh, Tai K.
Citation: K. Oh, Tai, Japanese Management - A Critical Review, Academy of Management review , 1(1), 1976, pp. 14-25

Authors: Brown, Martha A.
Citation: A. Brown, Martha, Values - A Necessary but Neglected Ingredient of Motivation on the Job, Academy of Management review , 1(4), 1976, pp. 15-23

Authors: Sterba, Richard L. A.
Citation: A. Sterba, Richard L., The Organization and Management of the Temple Corporations in Ancient Mesopotamia, Academy of Management review , 1(3), 1976, pp. 16-26

Authors: Schwab, Donald P. Cummings, L. L.
Citation: P. Schwab, Donald et L. Cummings, L., A Theoretical Analysis of the Impact of Task Scope on Employee Performance, Academy of Management review , 1(2), 1976, pp. 23-35

Authors: van de Ven, Andrew H.
Citation: H. Van De Ven, Andrew, On the Nature, Formation, and Maintenance of Relations among Organizations, Academy of Management review , 1(4), 1976, pp. 24-36

Authors: Webster, Frederick A.
Citation: A. Webster, Frederick, A Model for New Venture Initiation: A Discourse on Rapacity and the Independent Entrepreneur, Academy of Management review , 1(1), 1976, pp. 26-37

Authors: Golembiewski, Robert T. Billingsley, Keith Yeager, Samuel
Citation: T. Golembiewski, Robert et al., The Congruence of Factor-Analytic Structures: Comparisons of Four Procedures and Their Solutions, Academy of Management review , 1(3), 1976, pp. 27-35

Authors: Toren, Nina
Citation: Toren, Nina, Bureaucracy and Professionalism: A Reconsideration of Weber's Thesis, Academy of Management review , 1(3), 1976, pp. 36-46

Authors: Pfeffer, Jeffrey
Citation: Pfeffer, Jeffrey, Beyond Management and the Worker: The Institutional Function of Management, Academy of Management review , 1(2), 1976, pp. 36-46

Authors: Connolly, Terry
Citation: Connolly, Terry, Some Conceptual and Methodological Issues in Expectancy Models of Work Performance Motivation, Academy of Management review , 1(4), 1976, pp. 37-47

Authors: Fitch, H. Gordon
Citation: Fitch, H. Gordon, Achieving Corporate Social Responsibility, Academy of Management review , 1(1), 1976, pp. 38-46

Authors: Wolfe, Joseph
Citation: Wolfe, Joseph, The Effects and Effectiveness of Simulations in Business Policy Teaching Applications, Academy of Management review , 1(2), 1976, pp. 47-56

Authors: Murray, V. V. Jain, Harish C. Adams, Roy J.
Citation: V. Murray, V. et al., A Framework for the Comparative Analysis of Personnel Administration, Academy of Management review , 1(3), 1976, pp. 47-57

Authors: Wiggins, Ronald L. Steade, Richard D.
Citation: L. Wiggins, Ronald et D. Steade, Richard, Job Satisfaction as a Social Concern, Academy of Management review , 1(4), 1976, pp. 48-55

Authors: Korman, Abraham K.
Citation: K. Korman, Abraham, Hypothesis of Work Behavior Revisited and an Extension, Academy of Management review , 1(1), 1976, pp. 50-63

Authors: Limerick, David C.
Citation: C. Limerick, David, Authority Relations in Different Organizational Systems, Academy of Management review , 1(4), 1976, pp. 56-68

Authors: White, Sam E. Mitchell, Terence R.
Citation: E. White, Sam et R. Mitchell, Terence, Organization Development: A Review of Research Content and Research Design, Academy of Management review , 1(2), 1976, pp. 57-73

Authors: Meglino, Bruce M.
Citation: M. Meglino, Bruce, A Theoretical Synthesis of Job Performance and the Evaluative Dimension of Organizational Climate: A Social Psychological Perspective, Academy of Management review , 1(3), 1976, pp. 58-65

Authors: van de Ven, Andrew H.
Citation: H. Van De Ven, Andrew, A Framework for Organization Assessment, Academy of Management review , 1(1), 1976, pp. 64-78

Authors: Kelley, George
Citation: Kelley, George, Seducing the Elites: The Politics of Decision Making and Innovation in Organizational Networks, Academy of Management review , 1(3), 1976, pp. 66-74
Results: 1-25 | 26-36