Results: 1-25 | 26-38
Results: 1-25/38

Authors: Daudin, B Feuillet, G Mariette, H Mula, G Pelekanos, N Molva, E Rouviere, JL Adelmann, C Martinez-Guerrero, E Barjon, J Chabuel, F Bataillou, B Simon, J
Citation: B. Daudin et al., Self-assembled GaN quantum dots grown by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy, JPN J A P 1, 40(3B), 2001, pp. 1892-1895

Authors: Gleize, J Frandon, J Demangeot, F Renucci, MA Kuball, M Hayes, JM Widmann, F Daudin, B
Citation: J. Gleize et al., Angular dispersion of polar phonons in a hexagonal GaN-AlN superlattice, MAT SCI E B, 82(1-3), 2001, pp. 27-29

Authors: Martinez-Guerrero, E Daudin, B Feuillet, G Mariette, H Genuist, Y Fanget, S Philippe, A Dubois, C Bru-Chevallier, C Guillot, G Nze, PA Chassagne, T Monteil, Y Gamez-Cuatzin, H Tardy, J
Citation: E. Martinez-guerrero et al., p and n type doping of cubic GaN on SiC(001), MAT SCI E B, 82(1-3), 2001, pp. 59-61

Authors: Adelmann, C Guerrero, EM Chabuel, F Simon, J Bataillou, B Mula, G Dang, LS Pelekanos, NT Daudin, B Feuillet, G Mariette, H
Citation: C. Adelmann et al., Growth and characterisation of self-assembled cubic GaN quantum dots, MAT SCI E B, 82(1-3), 2001, pp. 212-214

Authors: Simon, J Martinez-Guerrero, E Adelmann, C Mula, G Daudin, B Feuillet, G Mariette, H Pelekanos, NT
Citation: J. Simon et al., Time-resolved photoluminescence studies of cubic and hexagonal GaN quantumdots, PHYS ST S-B, 224(1), 2001, pp. 13-16

Authors: Mula, G Adelmann, C Moehl, S Oullier, J Daudin, B
Citation: G. Mula et al., Surfactant effect of gallium during molecular-beam epitaxy of GaN on AlN (0001) - art. no. 195406, PHYS REV B, 6419(19), 2001, pp. 5406

Authors: Bourret, A Adelmann, C Daudin, B Rouviere, JL Feuillet, G Mula, G
Citation: A. Bourret et al., Strain relaxation in (0001) AlN/GaN heterostructures - art. no. 245307, PHYS REV B, 6324(24), 2001, pp. 5307

Authors: Schieffer, P Jezequel, G Lepine, B Sebilleau, D Feuillet, G Daudin, B
Citation: P. Schieffer et al., X-ray photoelectron diffraction from cubic GaN(001): an experimental and theoretical study, SURF SCI, 482, 2001, pp. 593-599

Authors: Bru-Chevallier, C Fanget, S Philippe, A Dubois, C Martinez-Guerrero, E Daudin, B Nze, PA Monteil, Y
Citation: C. Bru-chevallier et al., Optical properties of cubic gallium nitride on SiC/Si pseudo-substrates, PHYS ST S-A, 183(1), 2001, pp. 67-73

Authors: Gleize, J Demangeot, F Frandon, J Renucci, MA Kuball, M Daudin, B Grandjean, N
Citation: J. Gleize et al., Inelastic light scattering by phonons in hexagonal GaN-AlN nanostructures, PHYS ST S-A, 183(1), 2001, pp. 157-161

Authors: Chamard, V Metzger, TH Bellet-Amalric, E Daudin, B Adelmann, C Mariette, H Mula, G
Citation: V. Chamard et al., Structure and ordering of GaN quantum dot multilayers, APPL PHYS L, 79(13), 2001, pp. 1971-1973

Authors: Storm, DF Adelmann, C Daudin, B
Citation: Df. Storm et al., Incorporation kinetics of indium in indium gallium nitride at low temperature, APPL PHYS L, 79(11), 2001, pp. 1614-1615

Authors: Adelmann, C Arlery, M Daudin, B Feuillet, G Fishman, G Dang, LS Mariette, H Pelekanos, N Rouviere, JL Simon, J Widmann, F
Citation: C. Adelmann et al., Structural and optical properties of self-assembled GaN/AlN quantum dots, CR AC S IV, 1(1), 2000, pp. 61-69

Authors: Daudin, B Mula, G Peyla, P
Citation: B. Daudin et al., Mg-modified surface kinetics of the GaN growth by molecular beam epitaxy, PHYS REV B, 61(15), 2000, pp. 10330-10335

Authors: Mula, G Daudin, B Adelmann, C Peyla, P
Citation: G. Mula et al., MBE growth of GaN films in presence of surfactants: The effect of Mg and Si, MRS I J N S, 5, 2000, pp. NIL_179-NIL_184

Authors: Daudin, B Feuillet, G Mula, G Mariette, H Rouviere, JL Pelekanos, N Fishman, G Adelmann, C Simon, J
Citation: B. Daudin et al., Molecular beam epitaxy of GaN, AlN, InN and related alloys: from two- to three-dimensional growth mode, DIAM RELAT, 9(3-6), 2000, pp. 506-511

Authors: Bentoumi, G Deneuville, A Bustarret, E Daudin, B Feuillet, G Martinez, E Aboughe-Nze, P Monteil, Y
Citation: G. Bentoumi et al., Si doping of cubic heteroepitaxial GaN layers studied by Raman scattering, THIN SOL FI, 364(1-2), 2000, pp. 107-110

Authors: Bentoumi, G Deneuville, A Bustarret, E Daudin, B Feuillet, G
Citation: G. Bentoumi et al., Strain in cubic GaN films versus residual hexagonal GaN content, THIN SOL FI, 364(1-2), 2000, pp. 114-118

Authors: Martinez-Guerrero, E Adelmann, C Chabuel, F Simon, J Pelekanos, NT Mula, G Daudin, B Feuillet, G Mariette, H
Citation: E. Martinez-guerrero et al., Self-assembled zinc blende GaN quantum dots grown by molecular-beam epitaxy, APPL PHYS L, 77(6), 2000, pp. 809-811

Authors: Gleize, J Frandon, J Demangeot, F Renucci, MA Adelmann, C Daudin, B Feuillet, G Damilano, B Grandjean, N Massies, J
Citation: J. Gleize et al., Signature of GaN-AlN quantum dots by nonresonant Raman scattering, APPL PHYS L, 77(14), 2000, pp. 2174-2176

Authors: Adelmann, C Simon, J Feuillet, G Pelekanos, NT Daudin, B Fishman, G
Citation: C. Adelmann et al., Self-assembled InGaN quantum dots grown by molecular-beam epitaxy, APPL PHYS L, 76(12), 2000, pp. 1570-1572

Authors: Philippe, A Bru-Chevallier, C Vernay, M Guillot, G Hubner, J Daudin, B Feuillet, G
Citation: A. Philippe et al., Optical properties of cubic GaN grown on SiC Si substrates, MAT SCI E B, 59(1-3), 1999, pp. 168-172

Authors: Daudin, B Widmann, F Feuillet, G Samson, Y Rouviere, JL Pelekanos, N
Citation: B. Daudin et al., Self organization of nitride quantum dots by molecular beam epitaxy, MAT SCI E B, 59(1-3), 1999, pp. 330-334

Authors: Philippe, A Bru-Chevallier, C Gamez-Cuatzin, H Guillot, G Martinez-Guerrero, E Feuillet, G Daudin, B Aboughe-Nze, P Monteil, Y
Citation: A. Philippe et al., Optical study of cubic gallium nitride band-edge and relation with residual strain, PHYS ST S-B, 216(1), 1999, pp. 247-252

Authors: Gleize, J Demangeot, F Frandon, J Renucci, MA Kuball, M Widmann, F Daudin, B
Citation: J. Gleize et al., Raman scattering in GaN/AlN quantum dot structures, PHYS ST S-B, 216(1), 1999, pp. 457-460
Risultati: 1-25 | 26-38